Bluetooth Security

Notable Vulnerabilities

Conference Talks


  • DEF CON 11 - Bruce Potter - Bluetooth - The Future of Wardriving Video


  • 21C3 - Marcel Holtmann, Martin Herfurt, Adam Laurie - Bluetooth Hacking Video

  • Black Hat USA 2004 - Adam Laurie, Martin Herfurt - BlueSnarfing The Risk From Digital Pickpockets Video


  • 22C3 - Marcel Holtmann, Martin Herfurt, Adam Laurie - Bluetooth Hacking - The State of The Art Video


  • 23C3 - Thierry Zoller, Kevin Finistere - Bluetooth Hacking Revisited Video

  • Black Hat USA 2006 - Bruce Potter - Bluetooth Defense Kit Black Hat Video


  • DeepSec 2007 - Marcel Holtmann - New Security Model of Bluetooth 2.1 Video


  • DEF CON 17 - Dominic Spill, Michael Ossmann, and Mark Steward - Bluetooth Smells like Chicken Video

  • Shmoocon 2009 - Bluetooth-Ossman.m4v Video


  • Shmoocon 2010 - Michael Ossmann - Bluetooth Keyboards: Who Owns Your Keystrokes? Video

  • DEF CON 18: Breaking Bluetooth by Being Bored 1/3 Video


  • ShmooCon 2011 - Project Ubertooth: Building a Better Bluetooth Adapter Video

  • DeepSec 2011 - Tommi Makila & Jukka Taimisto: Intelligent Bluetooth Fuzzing - Why bother? Video


  • Ruxcon 2012 - Dominic Spill - Bluetooth Packet Sniffing Using Project Ubertooth Video

  • Toorcon 2012 - Hacking Bluetooth Low Energy: I Am Jack's Heart Monitor Video

  • DEF CON 20 - Passive Bluetooth Monitoring in Scapy Video


  • USENIX WOOT 2013 - Mike Ryan - Bluetooth: With Low Energy Comes Low Security Video

  • ShmooCon 9 - How Smart Is Bluetooth Smart? Video

  • Black Hat USA 2013 - Bluetooth Smart: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Fix! Video

  • DeepSec 2013 - Veronica Valeros & Sebastian Garcia: Uncovering your Trails - Privacy Issues of Bluetooth Devices Video


  • CanSecWest 2014 - Outsmarting Bluetooth Smart Video

  • DEF CON 22 - The NSA Playset Bluetooth Smart Attack Tools Video

  • DEF CON 22 - Grant Bugher - Detecting Bluetooth Surveillance Systems Video


  • DEF CON 23 - Mike Ryan and Richo Healey - Hacking Electric Skateboards Video


  • DEF CON 24 - Anthony Rose, Ben Ramsey - Picking Bluetooth Low Energy Locks a Quarter Mile Away Video

  • DEF CON 24 - Realtime Bluetooth Device Detection with Blue Hydra Video

  • DEF CON 24 Internet of Things Village Damien Cauquil Btlejuice The Bluetooth Smart Mitm Framework Video

  • Black Hat USA 2016 - Gattacking Bluetooth Smart Devices - Introducing a New BLE Proxy Tool Video

  • 2016 - Damiel Cauquil - BtleJuice: the Bluetooth Smart Man In The Middle Framework Video

  • EMF16 - Michael Ossmann - My Ubertooth Year Video


  • Black Hat Europe 2017 - Ben Seri, Gregory Vishnepolsky - BlueBorne - A New Class of Airborne Attacks Video


  • DEF CON 26 - Damien Cauquil - You had better secure your BLE devices Video

  • 35C3 - Dennis Mantz and Jiska Classen - Dissecting Broadcom Bluetooth Video

  • MRMCD2018 - Dennis Mantz and Jiska Classen - A Deep Dive into Bluetooth Controller Firmware Video

  • Black Hat Europe 2018 - Ben Seri, Dor Zusman - BLEEDINGBIT Your APs Belong to Us Video


  • DEF CON 27 - Damien Cauquil - Defeating Bluetooth Low Energy 5 PRNG for Fun and Jamming Video

  • USENIX Security '19 - Pallavi Sivakumaran - A Study of the Feasibility of Co-located App Attacks against BLE Video

  • RSA 2019 - Mike Ryan - Bluetooth Reverse Engineering: Tools and Techniques Video

  • USA 2019 - Mike Ryan - Bluetooth Hacking: Tools And Techniques Video

  • Netherlands 2019 - Sultan Qasim Khan - Sniffle: A low-cost sniffer for Bluetooth 5 Video

  • MRMCD2019 - Dennis Mantz and Jiska Classen - Playing with Bluetooth Video

  • BruCON 0x0B - Damien Cauquil - Defeating Bluetooth Low Energy 5 PRNG for fun and jamming Video

  • Hack.LU 2019 - Damien Cauquil - Defeating Bluetooth Low Energy 5 PRNG For Fun And Jamming Video

  • CyberCamp19 - Pablo González - Audit and hacking to Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) devices Video


  • Virtual Con 2020 - Daniele Antonioli - From Bluetooth Standard to Standard Compliant 0-days Video

  • DEF CON 28 - Jiska Classen and Francesco Gringoli - Spectra — New Wireless Escalation Targets Video

  • DEF CON 28 - Maxine Filcher - The Basics Of Breaking BLE v3 Video

  • USENIX WOOT 2020 - Jianliang Wu - BLESA: Spoofing Attacks against Reconnections in Bluetooth Low Energy Video

  • USENIX WOOT 2020 - Dennis Heinze, Jiska Classen, Matthias Hollick - ToothPicker: Apple Picking in the iOS Bluetooth Stack Video

  • USENIX 2020 - Yue Zhang - Breaking Secure Pairing of Bluetooth Low Energy Using Downgrade Attacks Video

  • Black Hat Europe 2020 - Wang Yu - Please Make a Dentist Appointment ASAP: Attacking IOBluetoothFamily HCI and Vendor-Specific Commands Video

  • Ekoparty 2020 - Cecilia Pastorino and Dan Borgogno - Bluetooth Low Energy Hacking 101 Video

  • rC3 2020 - Jiska Classen - Exposure Notification Security Video


  • CCC #DiVOC2020 - Jiska Classen - Finding Eastereggs in Broadcom's Bluetooth Random Number Generator Video

  • CCC #DiVOC2020 - Jan Ruge - No PoC? No Fix! - A sad Story about Bluetooth Security Video

  • WOOT2021 - Tristan Claverie, José Lopes Esteves - BlueMirror: Reflections on Bluetooth Pairing and Provisioning Protocols Video

  • NL 2021 - Tristan Claverie, José Lopes Esteves - BlueMirror: Defeating Authentication In Bluetooth Protocols Video

Bluetooth Security Tools

Linux Utilities & Tools

  • BlueZ (l2ping, gatttool, hciconfig, hcidump, hcitool, sdptool, bccmd, bluetoothctl, etc.) Link

Scanners & Sniffers

Exploit Tools

OBEX Attack Tools


Firmware Analysis

Man-in-the-middle & Packet Injection

Device Spoofing

Ping & Signal Strength Tools

Denial of Service


Android Apps


  • Nordic Semiconductor nRF-51 Development Kit Link

  • Sena UD-100 (~$39) Link

  • Ubertooth One (~$120) Link

  • Ellisys Bluetooth Tools Link

  • Frontline Bluetooth Tools Link


  • Wireshark: Protocol analyzer and packet capture Link

  • Frontline Wireless Protocol Suite (Windows only) Link

  • Uberducky (BLE-triggered rubber ducky) Github

  • CarWhisperer: Bluetooth sniffer for in-vehicle connections Link

  • BLEBoy: BLE testing platform Github

Primary Reference Materials

Bluetooth Core Specifications Link

NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-121 revision 2 Link

Useful Sites

  • List of Bluetooth bugs Link

  • Bluetooth arsenal tool list Github

  • trifinite Bluetooth info Link

  • Mike Ryan's Bluetooth info Link

  • Colin Mulliner's Bluetooth info Link

  • BlackArch Linux tool list Link

  • Bluetooth pen test framework Link

Last updated